Expanded Metal for Architecture White PaperExpanded Metal for Architecture. Blending Form and Function: How Expanded Metal Offers Protective and Decorative Solutions for Architecture

“The purpose of Architecture is to improve human life. Create timeless, free, joyous spaces for all activities in life. The infinite variety of these spaces can be as varied as life itself and they must be as sensible as nature in deriving from a main idea and flowering into a beautiful entity. The overriding essence is found in the intangibles, life–heart–soul–spirit–freedom–enduring within the structure.” –John Lautner, Architect F.A.I.A.

This goal can be reached; however, there will be many obstacles: How do I bring my creation to fruition while staying on budget? How do I satisfy the lofty goals of my client? What are my material and geographical limitations?

Architects design environments to improve the quality of life, and a key aspect is to select the right material. One that has been gaining more attention for its strength and  versatility is expanded metal. Although there are similar materials that can be used, this narrative will explore and illustrate how it is an excellent choice to protect, safeguard, and even elevate designs.

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